
The Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura in Sanskrit This week’s chakra video I took a more artistic approach, I left out some information that I spent a while researching on and thought a blog post was the best place to put it.  Purpose: Self Worth In control of the self brings understanding to what we cannot control in others. To understand is to remember for

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Sacred Geometry and Platonic Solids

There are four material manifestations in our obstructed world known as the “four elements”.  Earth  Fire  Water  Air  Each element is represented by a symbol.  A triangle pointing up for fire. A triangle pointing up with a horizontal line through it for air.  An upside down triangle with a horizontal line through it for earth. (Sometimes this can be a square as well representing the

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Words I Wrote While on a Plane in my Notes App

This post doesn’t really have a rhyme or reason I just wanted to share some thoughts I had while reading a book about psychedelics on an airplane. I’m not editing this to make sense i’m taking it out of my notes and onto here for you to read. Being as raw as possible. This is my thought process before making a Youtube Video or Tik

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Venus Woman

Taurus Woman. Sensual Woman. What does it mean to be ruled by Venus?  What does it mean to finally step into that part of yourself? As someone who felt I was too innocent to present myself in any sexual way to now stepping all the way into all of me, to be ruled by Venus means POWER.