mixed method researcher concentrating on electrophysiology and the dynamic content of consciousness
“In any field, find the strangest thing and then explore it.“
John Archibald Wheeler
My name is Yemane Arieon Williams, welcome to Cat In The Sync. I want you to think of this website as the inside of my mind. My goal is to explain the “why” behind a lot of the “what the fuck” moments in life by sharing my own experiences and how I got through them
Currently working on
The Quantum Neural Field Theory and creating a space for you all to see the process here are a couple photos at an absolute random but in accordance with what’s going down for me right now
“I was so blown away by this reading that I wanted to take the time to sit down and respond and thank you properly. This was my very first energy reading and nothing like I was expecting at all. I appreciate you so so much Yemane, thank you for gifting me this piece of you, I feel like you got to see a piece of me.. from wherever you are lol. Thank you for your time and energy put into this.”
Tulili Arizona
“Thank you so much for my beautiful reading. I got chills all over my body when I started reading. Also, I’m so happy you raised your prices! You deserve to be compensated fairly for all your hard work” -Much Love
Jasmine California
“This really made my day 🙂 It was extremely thorough and so many recommendations included, I really appreciate the time and effort you put into this. Thanks again!”
Julia Arizona
“Yemane, you did it again! This is not the first reading I have gotten from you and they are always so insightful and helpful. The time you take to put these together is clear and appreciated beyond words. Your dedication to assisting us and teaching us so much has transformed my life and this chakra pull has only continued to assist me on my journey.”