Today I Got A Massage…

It was my first professional massage and my therapist ended up being a nerd just like me when it came to quantum physics. I was so relaxed and comfortable not only because he was getting all my muscle knots and trigger points but the conversations were great and right up my alley.

“Yemane….why are you talking about your massage?”

There’s a point here I promise.

I was incredibly tense, one because this is my first massage and two because I never really give my body a break. Just how sometimes I don’t give myself a break. Last week was tough for me, you realize you can only take on as much as you can handle before you break.

James, my massage therapist, told me that a muscle can only take on so much before it just gives up.

You can only take on so much before you just give up. Last week I gave up.

Last week I gave up on being aware, I gave up on mediation–I gave up on myself.

I know I am only human. I know I can’t stretch myself or my muscle past the point of overworked.

Last week I asked, how do you know when to take a break?

It is when you no longer have the energy to do the things that make you smile. That get you going. In my case its when I can not find the energy to create. It’s when I don’t meditate and watch my thoughts is when they go crazy and take over my life. It is when you give up on yourself.

How can anyone be there for me when I can barely do that for myself?

How can I be there for anyone when my cup is low?

Give ONLY from your overflow.

Today I created. In a few hours I will post a Youtube video, I hope you watch it and enjoy it. I hope you hear my message and I hope you give yourself the space and time to take a break and fill your cup.

I love you. Thank you for being here to listen.

-Yemane <3

4 thoughts on “Today I Got A Massage…

  1. Leah Andarge says:

    There is this amazing YouTuber who talks about this. Talks about creativity about helping and easing your own emotions and just the essence of awareness as a whole. His videos are amazing to watch but they also give a lot of insight. His Youtube handle is : HINDZ

    1. Yemane Williams says:

      I will not write you in PM you can reply back here–thats the whole point of the blog my love. I am willing to hear your opinion.


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